"Every calling is GREAT when GREATLY PURSURED" ~ Oliver Wendel Holme At the backdrop of every success story is a PLAN, you fail at it, you fail at everything. Do you know that the number of reasons why we fail at anything is grossly due to our failure to plan? Yes it is, and with the very few years of exposures I have had in the world business, I have met with countless numbers of people who tell me their experiences at one endeavor of the other, and I did one time conclude that success could really be a hard thing after all. They made it all impossible for anyone to be successful at anything. I have found it to be for a 90% or more number of people who engage in any form of activity, usually hopes that luck shines on them or pending on the type of business, they hope that some business tycoon or wealthy customer comes in, and takes their company or business to a whole new level. This sounds awry and shows no sense of professionalism. In the world of business,...
A Diary of Many Battles, Strife, Love, Playfulness, Wildness in the prolonged journey of a renewing soul.