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Plan, Do and Review

"Every calling is GREAT when GREATLY PURSURED" ~ Oliver Wendel Holme

At the backdrop of every success story is a PLAN, you fail at it, you fail at everything.
Do you know that the number of reasons why we fail at anything is grossly due to our failure to plan? Yes it is, and with the very few years of exposures I have had in the world business, I have met with countless numbers of people who tell me their experiences at one endeavor of the other, and I did one time conclude that success could really be a hard thing after all. They made it all impossible for anyone to be successful at anything.

I have found it to be for a 90% or more number of people who engage in any form of activity, usually hopes that luck shines on them or pending on the type of business, they hope that some business tycoon or wealthy customer comes in, and takes their company or business to a whole new level. This sounds awry and shows no sense of professionalism.

In the world of business, the normal or the staple is to look to see the outcome (return on investment), which I personally feel is good. We also wait to see what our initial investment would yield; we take our business opportunities to be like the tossing of a die, where the chances of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 are just about 1/6. Hm... Sounds like what I first did when I came into the network marketing profession. I viewed the odds and spoke more of chances. I used questions like these, "What if I don't succeed?" "What if I don't get customers to see my product?" "What if I don't get to bring anyone to view my product's opportunity?" "What if I don't recruit anyone into my organization? With my “What ifs”, I made the network marketing profession and businesses a game of chances, which it clearly is not.

I’d like you to read real close to what I’m about to write.

Taking a few examples on this. Let's say I've gotten so thrilled about this football club, maybe Club Y. And I got this OPPORTUNITY to play for the team just like several of my friends, but like the usually sorting we find in our contemporary society that is performance driven; we all can't get a first shirt.

Would you view my getting a first place in the team as being a game of chances? Do you know that I would only get that first place in the team only when I build the right level of skills to qualify? Do you also know that there is nothing like chances in this? I get to play in the team if indeed I am good. Same is to be applied in business, there are no chances of success or failure,, you do the right thing and build the right of philosophy, you get the right kind of results.

I'd like us to take one more example. Which bank would you like to have your money saved in? You could answer that, but for illustrative purposes, mine is Bank X.
Why would I rather go for Bank X and not any other bank? Answer: Because of the philosophy of the bank, I love Bank X because I have more customer satisfaction plus an easy and fast service. Now, that is what I don't find in other banks

Now I'd like to ask you this, why according to my story, is Bank X a more preferred bank than all others? Would you consider that my love for that bank and its services is duely because the bank found a good way to serve me better than all others? Was it by chance they (Bank X) became that?
The answer is CERTAINLY NOT! We are the choices we make. The bank made a choice to scale above all others to serve their customers with good and valued services and I chose that because I found satisfaction with their services. 

Where I'm I going by this? Its simple, in the game of business, your business is DEFINED BY YOU. If you fail at it, you simply took actions that befitted a failure, you failed at planning or never executed or reviewed your actions.

Thanks for reading, if you found this provocative, would just be that you're learning something new, overly against your current conditioning. I hope to pick your brains and make many new notes on this. Thanks for stopping by.



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